
Archive for May, 2011

We all love a happy ending, and this story turned out far better than I had expected.

This hen went broody at the start of May, sitting on quite an exposed nest round the back of the hay shed. I did my best to build some shelter over her with old wrinkly tin, and actually that worked well to keep the rain off her…… until the night the chicks started hatching, when driving rain and gale force winds came in the side, and totally soaked her and the eggs. When I looked in, I actually found she was sitting in a puddle, with one chick hatched, and a stream of water running down onto her head!!

Of course at this point I feared the worst, but quickly moved them all into a makeshift nest in the other shed. Two chicks didn’t hatch, and one died overnight, most likely due to getting chilled. However, seven survived OK, and a week on they’re doing well.

There are four pure-bred Welsummers (the ones that look like 1970s glam rock stars who’ve overdone the eyeliner), one white something or other, and two Heinz 57 “penguin chicks”, who are totally black except for their yellow tummies. I can’t wait to see what they look like when they’re older!

Well done Mum! 🙂

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I just found out that our Indian Blue peacock used to be called Prince by his previous owners. All very posh eh? However, unfortunately for him, we re-named him Mr Blue, which is a good deal less regal!

We realised though, that does of course make him the peacock formerly known as Prince!!

His daughter from last year left us yesterday to go to a new home in Fife, where a prince of her own awaits. The kids there have decided to call her “Princess Pea”, which is apparently something out of Shrek, but I have to admit, does seem somehow appropriate!

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